
Paintings 2025
(2025)Acryl, mixed media, charcoal landscape

Paintings 2024
(2024)Vom Bodem aus

Paintings 2022 - 2023
(2022 - 2024)Verwandlung and Verwurzelt

Paintings 2020-2021
(2020 - 2021)Wachstum and Vaste Voet

Paintings 2018-2019
(2018 - 2019)Roots and Two worlds

Paintings 2017 and older
(2011 - 2017)The reflection of us on the trees and vice versa

Photopolymeer Etching
(2019 - 2023)My Photo's transforming into Etchings

(2010 - 2024)Nontoxic Etchings and Carborundum

Eco print
(2022 - 2023)Ecopirint. De verschillende bloem en bladvormen vind ik in mijn tuin en op mijn wandelingen in de natuur

(2022)Little drawings from observation and further...

(2015 - 2020)The wonder, atmosphere and history of a place. De verwondering, de sfeer, de geschiedenis van een plek.

(2010 - 2018)The world in human figure

The old man
(2017 - 2018)The old man is my father. Sitting at his table, talking about days past, drinking coffee. And I paint him.

Terra and the Sea
(2012 - 2016)The power of the primal feeling. De kracht van het oergevoel.

Earlier Paintings
(2010)Emotional, spiritual landscapes

Drawings on paper
(2011 - 2018)Impressions of a place. Impressies van een plek/landschap.